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Children & Young People

Here you will find information about our work with Children and Young People.

You will also find a series of resources which can be used at home or at school.

Sunday School

Our Sunday Schools meet regularly. If you and would like to join us, please get in touch. 


Schools Work

We work closely with the Schools in our Ministry Area. In addition to schools arranging visits to our churches, we also attend the local schools for Assemblies and provide Virtual Assemblies from time to time throughout the year.


To arrange a visit, or to request a School assembly, please contact Rev'd Rick or Rev'd Lisa . 

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

- Matthew 19:14


Messy Church

If you are interested in attending one of our

MESSY CHURCH events, please get in touch or keep an eye out for our posters! Future dates will be posted soon... 

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